
Who am I ?

There can be many ways to answer this question, but "an amateur competitive programmer" would suffice for this blog. At the time of writing the prologue, I am rated 1877 in Codechef and 1531 in Codeforces, these two are the main websites I'm active in. 

Why am I writing this blog ?

I am not really a blogger at heart, the main motive behind this blog is to gradually build up my ACM-ICPC codebook for 2018, and also to act as a reference to look back to when revising in the future. ICPC 2017 was not too good for our team, mainly due to lack of practice and experience in timed contests, so we would like to make most the of this year and perform well in 2018.

What will you find in this blog ?

(Hopefully) A number of algorithms, data structures and math concepts which may/may not help you in any way. I'll mostly post competitive programming stuff but I might post AI/Crypto/Dev stuff sometimes as well.


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